Beat Be Too Hot

“Beat Be Too Hot” is the latest from the LA CULTURA NOS CURA album by Yacatsol!

Yacatsol is a border-crossing, multilingual, decolonial, “cura” musical art project by Iris Rodriguez of Xica Media.

#Xicanx #CuraMusic #BrujxPop #Guaracherx



Those in power don’t care about hurting us

Their power sits on our backs so let’s stand up

They say “pay your taxes” and obey silently

Mechanize your part in their machine


Gotta stay trucha, pon ojo

Families imprisoned, ICE raids, and who knows

They want us scared, like cucuy! cucuy everywhere!

Together let’s break through the fear


They want borders, bombs, to eat death and fear

Frack, enslave, oppress, and profiteer

We must join together to survive

Let’s take a leap, break them chains, and let’s unite


We’re all up in the system

It’s come down to us versus them

Take the white blindfold off your eyes

Divest, direct action, decolonize


Returning to our earth-based ways is key

For all the colors of humanity

We gotta move, we gotta act, we’re out of time

Take my hand, our liberation is intertwined


We’re all connected for a reason

Trust your gut, trust your vision

Even if you’re deep in the machine

Together tenemos que sacudir




Beat Be Too Hot by Yacatsol

Lyrics/voice: Iris Rodriguez

Beat: A Curramba Base

(C) 2017 Yacatsol

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